28 January 2011

IKEA Lovin'

I'm going to IKEA tomorrow! Yes!!

Who doesn't love IKEA? In all honesty, I think it's safe to say 75% of our house is furnished in IKEA. With the exception of our couches, dining set, kitchen barstools and crib, we are IKEA lovers. You can't really go wrong in that store because pretty much every piece they sell can be mixed and matched together. 

Take our living room for example:

Ramvik coffee table
Lack side table
Ritva throw
Felicia throw
black pillow
Pjas dish
Ribba frames

Lenda curtains
Besta TV combo

discontinued Markor bookshelf
Branas baskets
Fejka artificial plants
Kardemumma plant pots

Tindra candle
Noresund nightstand
Ribba frames
Rivta cushion

I won't go room by room, but you get the idea. Love IKEA :)

I'm seriously getting giddy like a little girl at the thought of going to IKEA tomorrow. I could spend hours just perusing the rooms they have set up and taking notes and getting ideas for my house. Once I hit the downstairs where you start loading up your cart, it's game over. I tend to come with a list of things I want and somewhat of a budget that I want to spend. But it's near impossible for me to go through the entire store of IKEA and not get any of those see-and-grab-items as I like to call them. You know when you see a bin of wooden spoons, pillows or some other knick knack that you never planned on getting but it's just screaming "buy me!" next to the perfect room it's displayed in.

My absolute favorite part of an IKEA trip is getting home and unloading my car and starting to put things together. I usually have around 2 of the reusable bags (which I never remember to bring and end up buying new ones every time) full of little goodies along with a piece of furniture to assemble. I even get excited when emptying my bags and seeing an item I forgot about, because let's be honest I'm mentally putting things away the entire hour ride home. Once my bags are emptied and my purchases are in their new home (or even a temporary spot) I get a feeling of accomplishement. And my house just seems that much cheerier and more put together. That is until a few months roll by and I'm itching for another trip.

Here is my plan of attack for tomorrow:
(and these will all have follow-up posts to show you my treasures)

  • Window treatments for master bedroom
  • Duvet set for master bedroom
  • Throw blanket for master bedroom
  • Shelf for laundry room
  • Replacement frames for upstairs hall collage
  • New dresser for guest room
  • Gather ideas for babe's room (but not purchase just yet!)
  • The inevitable see-and-grabs
Can't wait to fill you in tomorrow on my treasures!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. Why is my blog unnecessarily putting extra spaces between paragraphs? I tried to fix but when I edit there's only one space between.
