12 October 2011

DIY I Tried: Homemade Dog Treats

Ok you dog lovers out there. I have a fun little DIY project - homemade dog treats. 
This recipe goes under the category of "DIY I Tried" since I didn't make it myself. 

I actually took this recipe from another blog I regularly follow (Ramshackle Glam). 
It's a very simple and easy recipe recipe. The best part is that it's only four ingredients, all of which are usually already in the kitchen. The result is unsweetened peanut butter cookies. While I didn't try any treats myself, Lyla sure approved of the results.

1 1/2 cup flour
3/4 tsp baking powder
3/4 cup peanut butter
3/4 cup milk

I also added two vital ingredients for any recipe in my house:

Music and a happy little helper who just happens to love being sung to. 

Preheat the oven to 375F.
Mix together the flour and baking powder, and add the milk. Then start to fold the peanut butter in. Once everything is mixed, flour your countertop or other surface and roll out the mixture, keeping it fairly thin.

Next you cut out the shapes for your treats. I opted to do hearts since that was the smallest cookie cutter I have. You can always do something freehand, too. Just remember that these are dog treats (and not regular cookies) so you want to keep them small.

Line them up on a greased baking sheet and cook for 15-20 minutes, depending on your oven. You want them to be crispy and golden brown. 15 was a plenty for me - my first batch resulted in some burnt cookie buns.

Let the cookies cool completely so you don't burn your pooch's mouth.
Otherwise, serve and enjoy!

This is the butt of one happy pooch.


  1. love this! I will definitely have to try these for macgyver! i know he will love them- he loves peanut butter.

  2. haha, i LOVE the butt picture, too funny!
