07 October 2012


It's been a while since I've done a post about Lucy. Truth is, time is starting to get away from me. She's growing so fast and learning so much I can't seem to keep up. I've traded in her monthly milestone photo shoots with our fancy camera in favor of candid shots on my iPhone. 

Yesterday, while waiting for Jordan's train to arrive from New York, we took a stroll along the riverfront by the train station. It was the first really chilly day of fall and I wanted to take some time to enjoy the the sunshine before it gets too cold. At first Lucy was timid and refused to let go of my hand as we walked. Within a few minutes she was off running on her own only stopping to watch the rowers or wave to a dog walking by. I loved every minute of this impromptu pit stop. When did my little girl grow so big? 

I'm vowing to take the time to cherish more moments like this. Rather than force myself to tackle a to-do list of blog projects every Saturday, I'd rather soak up the weekends with my girl and enjoy every minute before she's too old to want to hang out with her mom. I promise not to let the blog suffer. Projects will be just need to be reserved for evenings or nap times. I'd rather open up my weekends for more memories like these.

A few key milestones:

- Runs around all day long
- Now weighs 20 pounds!
- 8 teeth with at least three more coming in
- Sleeps through the night! Up to 10 hours.
- Eats like a champ. Some favorite foods include pears, raisins, chicken, pasta, turkey burgers, eggs, waffles, lots of veggies, apples, grilled cheese, etc.
- Talking so much - 'dada', 'mama', 'Hi Lyla', 'buh-byes', 'shoes', 'colors' (crayons), 'me' and of course gibberish all day long.
- Can pick family members out when prompted (including herself). 
- Understands simple commands and meaning of phrases like 'lie down', 'put toys away', 'no', 'it's bath time', 'wave bye', etc.  
- Blows kisses, gives kisses, likes to pretend to put on chapstick, loves my shoes and always tries to put them on my feet, dancing and singing, can work my iPad better than me, loves coloring and reading, Yo Gabba Gabba and animals. The list goes on. 
- Working on the alphabet. Tries to sing with me but doesn't quite have it. 
- Best of all, she's a major cuddlebug, especially in the mornings. I treasure these moments.


  1. Replies
    1. You just wait and see. You won't be able to put the camera down. :)

  2. I DIE over these pictures!! I LOVE how you dress Lucy!! I just realized how many sleeping baby pics I had on my phone so I did a post scheduled for tomorrow, must be mushy mom day! #storyofmylife :)

    1. Isn't it the best? I can't wait to see your post. :) I had so many sleeping baby/daddy photos that I made Jordan a book of them for Father's Day. Thank goodness for the iPhone camera.

  3. Your daughter is so adorable! I can't figure out who she looks like more. Sometimes I see more of you, and other times I see more of her daddy. Either way, she's prescious :)
