14 February 2012

Happy Birthday Jordan!

Valentine, shmalentine. For me, today is so much more than Valentine's Day.
Today is Jordan's birthday.. and not just any birthday. The big 3-0.

In honor of his 30th birthday, I thought it was fitting to share with you just 30 of the millions of reasons why I love this man.

1. He is my best friend.

2. Six and a half years later and he still opens the car door for me every time we go somewhere.

3. He is an amazing father who has no problem playing Mr. Mom when I'm at work during the day. I'm pretty sure I fell in love with him all over again the first moment I saw him with Lucy. I have no doubt that he was truly meant to be a father.

4. He puts up with all my crazy projects and constant changes to the house. He even offers to help with them.

5. He always ends every phone conversation, no matter how quick, with "I love you."

6. He laughs at my jokes, no matter how bad they are.

7. He notices when we need 'us' time and does what it takes to make it happen, even if that means a 2am date when he gets home from work.

8. When it snows he always cleans my car off for me before I leave for work.

9. He loves my crazy family as much as they love him and will wake up early just to go to brunch at my grandparents' house even when he worked the night before and didn't get to bed until 3am.

10. I love his family and how great they are to me.

11. Before we go to a concert he always puts the band's set list on my iPod for me.

12. Butch Walker - "Don't Move". He IM'ed this song to me (remember AIM? Before the days of Facebook) after the first night we hung out just the two of us. I still love it.

13. He told my best friend he loved me and was going to marry me two weeks of meeting me. Little did I know... 

14. He tells me I'm beautiful, even when I'm unshowered, wearing leggings and a tshirt and exhausted from watching Lucy all day.

15. He is my number one cheerleader and is so incredibly supportive of this silly blog. He shares it with people all the time and was the one who finally convinced me to show it to our family and friends after hiding it for almost a year.

16. He makes me laugh harder than anyone.

17. He is a foodie and loves to go out to new places. He appreciates a good meal from a good restaurant.

18. He also loves going to Grottos for beer, wings and pizza. Or Border Cafe for some good old margaritas and Mexican.

19. He was so nervous when we started dating that it took him several dates before he kissed me. I tease him about it now, but I really think it was very sweet.

20. He holds my hand and walks slow with me when it's icy or snowy and I think it's a good idea to wear 4 inch boots.

21. I am so incredibly proud of him and what he has accomplished both personally and professionally in the years I've known him.

22. He works so hard every single day to provide for his family. (And never complains about it.)

23. The man knows how to clean and appreciates keeping our house nice. He isn't afraid of dishes, laundry, diapers, etc.

24. He understands when I need 'me' time and will take care of Lucy so that I can run errands, do blog things, work out, or even just take a long shower.

25. He puts up with my cat. If you know how much Jordan hates my cat, you know this is huge.

26. He puts up with me.

27. He doesn't mind that I'm a homebody and is totally cool with just staying home on a Friday or Saturday night with me (and beers, of course).

28. He gives me honest opinions, feedback and genuine advice.

29. He has great taste. My man can dress and I'd trust him to pick out clothes for me. 

30. Because he loves me. Plain and simple.

Happy 30th Birthday, Jordan! 

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