07 May 2014

Introducing: Mila Jane

Mila Jane DeMaio
April 22, 2014
6 lb, 6 oz, 20 in.

I've been very quiet on this blog as the past two weeks have been very busy. Our hearts are so full with love and we are so excited to welcome this new little bean into our lives. She came 9 days early, but we've been ready for her for months. The last two weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind to say the least. Not only did we welcome our new little girl, but we had to unexpectedly say goodbye to my grandmother. After the highest of highs and lowest of lows all in the same week, we're now finally starting to feel 'normal' and our new family is adjusting well. 

I started feeling contractions that Monday night at my parents' house after work when I came to get dinner and pick up Lucy. I had my weekly appointment earlier that day and my doctor told us that I was dilated 2cm and 50% effaced, so I had a feeling that these contractions were the real deal. They stated around 6pm and were spaced a half an hour apart for several hours. I went home and continued to time them, but not much was changing. I finally went to sleep around 11pm and woke around 3:00am to 10 minute contractions. I knew better than to jump the gun and run to the hospital (especially since my water had not broken, yet) so I waited them out until around 6am when I noticed while eating breakfast that a few of them were coming closer to the 5-7 minute range. 

With the exception of him checking in on me a few times during the night I let Jordan sleep as much as he could until it was time for us to shower and pack up the car and get Lucy packed for a few nights away from home. We arrived to the hospital a little after 8am and I felt that the contractions were slowing back down a bit. Rather than send us home, my doctor monitored me for a bit before sending us for a long 2 hour walk around the hospital to try to get things going. I lasted about an hour an a half (around 11am) before the contractions were really close and the pain was pretty unbearable - we soon learned the walk had worked and I was 5cm dilated! Unfortunately April 22nd was a pretty popular day to go into labor and we had to wait a few hours in an exam room for an L&D room to open up. Thankfully around 1pm the anesthesiologist agreed to come down to my room and administer the epidural, even without an L&D room. I couldn't have been more thankful as the pain was pretty brutal. I received my epidural before I felt anything last time so the actual feeling of labor was a bit new to me. I also insisted that he make sure this one was taped tight to my back to avoid any 'slipping' incidents like I had with Lucy's birth. 

By 2pm we were finally in a room and spent the next few hours waiting, trying to nap and watching TV. Aside from a brief scare where our babe's heart rate dipped for a few minutes and my water breaking around 4, the wait was pretty uneventful. I eventually got so bored I sent Jordan to go get some magazines to read as we prepared for a long night of waiting like we did with Lucy. While he was gone the nurse came and checked on me per my doctor's request and found that I was fully dilated. She was surprised and asked if I had any pressure or pain, but the epidural was so solid I felt nothing. As soon as Jordan returned I told him it was go time and we waited a few minutes for my doctor to arrive. 

I'm not sure how I was so lucky but 5 minutes and just three sets of pushes later, our sweet girl was curled up on my chest at 5:04pm. Little did we know this easy delivery was a sign of just how laid back this girl would be. 

We've been blessed with a little babe who seems to want to sleep the days and nights away and only wake for feedings and a little snuggle time. She only cries when hungry or a little gassy and can sleep through any and every noise. Her laid back style has helped big sister Lucy to adjust well and she's taking her new role very seriously.  I have my big helper for every diaper change who loves to pick which diaper I should use, and check on 'my baby' when she's napping, and keep an eye on her during car rides.  Not only that, but Mila has taken to nursing beautifully and much easier/quicker than with Lucy. The only problem is she tends to fall asleep mid-meal! Hoping to have a successful full year of exclusive nursing once again.

I do plan on sharing some more house updates as we have kept the projects moving along even with the arrival of our new little one, but for now I have some baby snuggling to do. 


  1. Congratulations! That sounds like it was a pretty great labour and delivery! Sorry to hear about your grandmother though. The timing of these things is so odd sometimes.
    Congrats again on baby Mila! She's beautiful :)

  2. congratulation for u and family.

  3. Congrats to you and your family on such a beautiful little girl! Such a beautiful name too! (:
