14 May 2012

What I've Been Up To

Just to prove to you that I really have been doing some DIY work lately, here are a few sneak peeks at what I've been up to and some projects I'm currently working on.

After we returned from vacation, I attended this Vintage Garage Sale held in a parking garage in West Chester, PA. I scored some great goodies that I'll share with you soon. It was the first of this particular garage sale, but I"m pretty sure they plan to repeat this on a monthly basis. I can't wait to come back and score some more great finds.

A few weeks back I purchased this antique sewing stool. I am working on updating the stool by removing the ugly orange/brown seat cover and replacing it with fabric I bought at the garage sale. Once finished, the stool will be going to my friend Amy who is working on fixing up her apartment. Look for more DIY projects as I work with her and the great space where she's living.

I've been working on some new all art to hang in the hallway upstairs on the wall between the laundry room and guest bathroom. The space has been blank for way too long and is in need of some color to spruce up the hallway.

The old wall o' wedding has been updated and replaced by some recent family photos in fresh, bright white frames. I'm loving how the wall looks. I had no plans to update the living room by any means, but with the small changes I've been making lately between the new pillows, rug and now the updated gallery wall, I'm really loving how the room has evolved. Next thing I'm planning to update in the living room - new curtains!

At the garage sale I picked up another vintage suitcase to add to the other one my mom gave me that belonged to my great-grandmother. I'm hoping to find one or two more that I could stack and use as a 'nightstand' next to the bed. If not, I will find another way to implement them in the room.

Speaking of the guest room, I've spray painted a few old frames to house old wedding pictures of our parents and grandparents to hang in the guest room. Side note: the guest room progress hasn't been going much lately. I'm going back and forth with a lot of ideas I have and haven't been able to find the size and type of mirror I want for the wall. Plus, we haven't had a chance to hang the pallet, which I finally finished. But I have been trying to work on some small projects and accents for the room in the meantime.

Since I slacked a lot last week with posts, I'll be making up for it this week. I have tons to share with you all - more detailed posts on the above projects, April Photo a Day recap, vacation photos, tips for traveling with baby and more!

Check back today for a few photos of how I spent my first Mother's Day.

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